This association is formed to promote the best quality of breeding and exhibiting of the Silkie Bantam in the state of Alabama. As well as to develop friendship, group breeding aid and sportsmanship between all breeders.
To fellowship, breed and exhibit the best quality Silkies and to aid and assist each other in the process of breeding and exhibiting.
Requirements :
Must live in the state of Alabama. Breed and exhibit Silkie bantams. Must show good faith towards all Alabama breeders.
A traveling Award (trophy or plaque) to be rotated each year between the Alabama breeders.
There should be two meetings a year. With one being a summer Picnic and the other at the Alabama Bantam Club Young Bird Show in Sept.
Chairman and all members.
The Chairman will be selected each year at the Sept. meeting. The chairman will be responsible for all ASBA activities, meetings and points.
$10.00 per year Single or Family
Rotating Award:
This award will be given to the Alabama Breeder that achieves the most points from September to the following August covering all Fall and Spring Shows of Alabama across the state. Only shows held in Alabama will qualify for points. The rotating award will be handed out each year at the Alabama Bantam Club Young Bird Show. All standard varieties and AOV are eligible for points. AOV points will count the same as standard varieties.
Qualifying Shows:
Alabama Bantam Club Clanton, Al. - Young Bird - October - April Shows
Heart of Dixie Bantam Club Boaz, AL. - October Show
Alabama Show Bird Club Ft. Payne, Al. April Show
Any other ABA sanction show with in the State may hold a meet if requested by a member.
Best Variety- 10
Reserve Variety - 5
Best of Breed - 15
Reserve of Breed - 10
Champion Feather Leg - 20
Reserve Feather Leg - 15
Champion Bantam - 25
Reserve Bantam - 20
Champion Silkie Display - 20
Reserve Silkie Display - 15
Champion Display of Show - 25
Reserve Display of Show - 20
Placing Points:
All ASBA members shall also receive points for placing of the birds. These points shall come from all four classes, Cocks, Hens, Cockerels, Pullets.
1st Place - 5
2nd Place - 4
3rd Place - 3
4th Place - 2
5th Place - 1
A Display consists of 7 birds in one variety. There must be one each of Cock, Hen, Cockerel, pullet and 3 other birds of any make up of these classes. Winners points are added up by the ABA rules. Points are added up for each class and then multiplied by number of birds present. Then add together to determine winner of that variety. Then the person with the most points of all the Silkie displays entered wins Best Silkie Display. These points compete against all other displays in the show for Champion Display of Show. Points are:
1st Place - 6
2nd Place - 4
3rd Place - 3
4th Place - 2
5th Place - 1
Breeders Listing:
All breeders will be given a space to advertise and show off the birds. This will be updated once a year.
Face Book:
There will be a Face Book page set up for members to post and keep up with each others breeding and raising. As well as a Photo Album for each breeder.
This association is formed to promote the best quality of breeding and exhibiting of the Silkie Bantam in the state of Alabama. As well as to develop friendship, group breeding aid and sportsmanship between all breeders.
To fellowship, breed and exhibit the best quality Silkies and to aid and assist each other in the process of breeding and exhibiting.
Requirements :
Must live in the state of Alabama. Breed and exhibit Silkie bantams. Must show good faith towards all Alabama breeders.
A traveling Award (trophy or plaque) to be rotated each year between the Alabama breeders.
There should be two meetings a year. With one being a summer Picnic and the other at the Alabama Bantam Club Young Bird Show in Sept.
Chairman and all members.
The Chairman will be selected each year at the Sept. meeting. The chairman will be responsible for all ASBA activities, meetings and points.
$10.00 per year Single or Family
Rotating Award:
This award will be given to the Alabama Breeder that achieves the most points from September to the following August covering all Fall and Spring Shows of Alabama across the state. Only shows held in Alabama will qualify for points. The rotating award will be handed out each year at the Alabama Bantam Club Young Bird Show. All standard varieties and AOV are eligible for points. AOV points will count the same as standard varieties.
Qualifying Shows:
Alabama Bantam Club Clanton, Al. - Young Bird - October - April Shows
Heart of Dixie Bantam Club Boaz, AL. - October Show
Alabama Show Bird Club Ft. Payne, Al. April Show
Any other ABA sanction show with in the State may hold a meet if requested by a member.
Best Variety- 10
Reserve Variety - 5
Best of Breed - 15
Reserve of Breed - 10
Champion Feather Leg - 20
Reserve Feather Leg - 15
Champion Bantam - 25
Reserve Bantam - 20
Champion Silkie Display - 20
Reserve Silkie Display - 15
Champion Display of Show - 25
Reserve Display of Show - 20
Placing Points:
All ASBA members shall also receive points for placing of the birds. These points shall come from all four classes, Cocks, Hens, Cockerels, Pullets.
1st Place - 5
2nd Place - 4
3rd Place - 3
4th Place - 2
5th Place - 1
A Display consists of 7 birds in one variety. There must be one each of Cock, Hen, Cockerel, pullet and 3 other birds of any make up of these classes. Winners points are added up by the ABA rules. Points are added up for each class and then multiplied by number of birds present. Then add together to determine winner of that variety. Then the person with the most points of all the Silkie displays entered wins Best Silkie Display. These points compete against all other displays in the show for Champion Display of Show. Points are:
1st Place - 6
2nd Place - 4
3rd Place - 3
4th Place - 2
5th Place - 1
Breeders Listing:
All breeders will be given a space to advertise and show off the birds. This will be updated once a year.
Face Book:
There will be a Face Book page set up for members to post and keep up with each others breeding and raising. As well as a Photo Album for each breeder.